martedì 17 aprile 2018


                       GRATICCIO - GRID OF LOVE

This tutorial was created as a blind lesson
for the friends of grafica in libertà - yahoo group
April 2018

The tutorial is my work
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental
A special thanks 
to the creators of tubes
who, with their effort, often unrecognized 
allow us to make our works.
The copyright belongs to the original artist.

english version - Translation by Mina - 17.04.2018
This tutorial was translated with Corel X8,
but it can also be made using other versions of PSP.

Here you find the original of this tutorial:

material required
one or more tubes of your choice, a texture, a landscape tube or jpg,
tubes of climbing plants



Alien Skin Eye candy 5: Textures/weave
Mura’s meister: perspective tiling

Many thanks to Renee Graphisme for permission to use its filter page

IF You find any recalcitrant filter you can consult the tips and tricks page - thanks Renee

You can change Blend Modes and opacity of the layer, according to your colors.

Let's start:

Open a new transparent image 900 x 700 pixels
Flood Fill the transparent image with a dark color
Apply the Filter Alien Skin Eye candy 5 Textures > weave
with these parameters

selections/select all
selections / modify/ contract/20 pix
selections / invert
layers / new raster layer
Flood Fill with a dark color
selections / invert
effects/3d effects/drop shadow - color black
also in negative -2/-2/60/20
selections / select none

activate raster 1
effects/3d effects/drop shadow - color black

Activate selection tools / rectangle/ custom selection

press the delete button.

Layer / New raster layer, fill flood with a light color
Selections/modify/contract selection / 5 pixels
press delete button

Layer / New raster layer
Open your landscape picture, edit / copy, edit / paste into selection
Selections/select none.

Activate raster 1
Layers/new raster layer
selections/select all
open your texture/
edit copy/edit paste into selection
layers/arrange/move down
selections/select none

Adjust/blur/gaussian blur/radius 20
Effects/Mura's Meister/perspective tiling

Activate the layer of landscape
Effects/illuminations effects/sunburst

stay on the level of the landscape
Activate selection tools / rectangle/ custom selection

Selections / invert
effects/3d effects/chisel/with dark color

selections / select none
Add  climbing plants to the sides
and tubes of your choice

Layers/Merge/merge all flatten
Sign your work and save as jpg

Results Mina

Tubes birds and girl : Mina@
tubes climbing plants: net

If at the end of the tutorial you do not like the color you chose for the grid,
you can change it with manual color correction.

If you do not see it in the tools you find it in:
View> customize> Unused commands

Drag the command to the tool bar.

When you open it you will have this window

Go back to layer Grid
When you open it you will have this window

If you have problems or doubts, find a link not working, or wish to tell me that you enjoyed this tutorial, please write to me.


mail mina

mail aura
